Review – Missguided Matte Liquid Lipsticks

Hello my lovelies,

Anyone that knows me, knows that I’m a matte lipped girl through and through. I think in the past year or so I have gone from my crazy bold lip shades, to something a little more natural. Not completely, but more subtle. I am still on the hunt for the perfect formula and to be honest I much more prefer liquid lipsticks they are a lot easier to use than bullet form! I was recently gifted these little babies from my best friend and obviously a lipstick lover like me I was keen to try them out!

These liquid lipsticks came in a set together called Quad Goals Lip Colours Set  if I am honest – when I got it I was appreciative to try something new, but I didn’t have high hopes that these would be any good. When a clothes retailer ventures into the beauty world 9 times out of 10 they aren’t brill. However I like to try things out and as I didn’t even realise Missguided did beauty products I thought I would give them a fair go.

The packaging is cute, and to be honest if you know the style of Missguided you would know instantly that the packaging fits with their brand. Bold, but clear. My annoyance is that they don’t have shade names – and to be honest it shows how basic these are because come on surely the best part of creating products is the names you are going to give them!? It’s nice to have a silver finish to the top of them as a lot of my liquid lipsticks have a black top so they stand out in my collection.

I love the shades in this quad, they are all wearable shades – well for me anyway. My favourite shade out of the 4 is the pink/mauve one as it just screams me at the moment. The applicators are a very standard, doe-foot applicator but for me if it’s not broke don’t fix it and for a liquid lipstick just give me an easy applicator to use. You can tell it’s fairly cheap as application can be a little rough on the lips – the doe-foot just isn’t very soft and can create streaks if you don’t apply a few coats.

When I first applied this on my lips I wasn’t holding out for much. However on application I was impressed. It dried almost instantly and set completely matte. The colour is exactly how you see it on the tube and the pigmentation is actually fairly impressive. I normally apply two coats just to ensure that it’s opaque and I’m good to go. I can’t tell you how amazing the formulation is. It’s a very thin formula which is weightless on the lips. Most of the time I forget that I even have lipstick on!

It’s extremely long lasting even through eating and drinking, there is no change of colour or any sign of wear throughout the day. It’s extremely hard to find a formula like this and I can’t believe that I have found it from Missguided! I always worry that with a formula like this it would be a bugger to remove but actually it’s so easy and I never have any issues with it. I just can’t put into words how good this is. There are not many formulations out there that will last from 7am to 10pm with not an ounce of wear.

All the shades I wear on a regular basis depending on my mood, but they all have the same formulation – it’s not like some have slightly different formulas they have all passed the long-wearing test.

This just proves to me that you should never judge a book by it’s cover and I can’t believe how incredible these are. I am completely obsessed and they are pretty much all that I am wearing on my lips recently. I am annoyed that there aren’t any other shades but Missguided really are onto a winner here and to be honest beat a lot of other brands high and low end. They even are up there with my beloved Huda Liquid Lipsticks.

Seriously, this is one of my favourite finds in a long time – I just can’t quite get over how blooming amazing they are and I hope that they are still available for other people to get their hands on them because I totally would!

Let me know if you have tried them and what your thoughts are on them!

-A x


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